Caroline Schlaufer works as a senior researcher and lecturer at the KPM and manages the policy part of the Ethics and Policy Lab of the MCID at the University of Bern. Her research interests include the interface between science and policy, policy advisory systems, the political use of scientific evidence, and the role of narratives in policy making. Her work at the Ethics and Policy Lab also includes services to public administration and policy makers, such as applied research projects to develop socially acceptable and feasible policies.  
Caroline Schlaufer completed her PhD in Public Administration at the University of Bern in 2016. From 2017 to 2021, she worked as a professor of public policy at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Her publications have been published in Public Administration Review, Governance, the Policy Studies Journal, Policy & Politics, and Review of Policy Research, among others.
Caroline Schlaufer is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Policy & Politics.